The DSP is a three-phase, three-element
multifunction digital transducer
with outputs for voltage, current,
and power via serial communication.
Applications include 4-wire
and 3-wire circuits with external
current transformers where needed.
Voltage and current ratings
are programmable to obtain primary
include: 3 line-to-line and
line-to-neutral voltages, 3
currents, 3 perphase power,
total power and frequency. All
measurements are true RMS values.
is available via a serial RS-422
port using a simple ASCII protocol.
A PC data system and LabVIEW
driver are available for programming
and reading the DSP-007 and
Output Option
- The
model D/A-4653 is a 24Vdc-powered
serial converter providing
8 channels of 4-20mAdc analog
output. The converter connects
to the serial port of a model
DSP and converts the serial
data to 4-20mAdc analog signals.
Consult factory for details.